

2012-07-05 23:24
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Meals-On-Wheels [/color]
Half of British households keep a pet of some kind, and a quarter of the population is involved in some sort of voluntary work, helping others in their spare time without being paid for what they do. One example of volunteer work is Meals-On-Wheels. Volunteer drivers collect prepared lunches from a centre and deliver them in their own cars to elderly people who are unable to leave their homes easily to buy food for themselves. The recipients of Meals-On-Wheels pay a small charge for this service to cover the cost of the food. Britain is an individualistic society, and people are often tolerant of other people's eccentricities. One can find those with special talents or unusual hobbies interesting, amusing, and even endearing. Common topics of conversation are weather, sports, current events, and what is planned for the next weekend, or what was done the previous one. British people have become more adventurous in their eating habits since they became a multi-racial society. There are Chinese, Indian, Italian, French and Spanish restaurants in many towns and certainly in every city.
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