

2012-06-26 12:00
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Peter [/color]
Hello, Peter. You've been in Britain for quite a long time now. Yes. For seven years. What do you think of the English weather? Well, it's rather cloudy and depressing. But I like spring and autumn best. I think they are the loveliest time of the year. And what about English food? I think the English food is dull and there is very limited selection of dishes. But there are many excellent restaurants serving food from almost every country in the world, such as Italian, French, Greek, Indian, Chinese food. And what about the English people? How have you found them? I find them very reserved and not very open. The English people intensely dislike social intercourse and do not like to talk actually to others about themselves or have any interest in knowing other people's business. If there are two people in a carriage in England, it is likely that each will read his own newspaper without exchanging a word. How about in the United States? Well, it's very different. We start conversations with people in the street, in the subway. We are a lot more enthusiastic and spontaneous than people here. But it seems when you get to know them, they're very friendly. I've got many English friends now in England.
你好,皮特,你来英国已经有一段时间了。 是的,有七年了。 你觉得英国的天气怎么样? 嗯,云很多,而且气压低,令人很不舒服。但我喜欢这里的春天和秋天。我想这是一年最好的两个时间了。 那英国的食物呢? 我觉得英国的食物比较的单调,菜式上的选择有限制。不过英国有很多餐馆提供世界各国的美食,像意大利、法国、希腊、印度和中国的美食。 那英国人呢?你觉得他们有什么特点? 我发现他们比较保守,不会太开放。英国人不喜欢社交,也不喜欢和别人谈论自己的事情,或者是有兴趣想知道别人的事情。 那在美国呢? 这非常的不同。我们在街上,地铁里遇到人就会开始交谈,我们比英国人更加地热情和自然,不拘谨。不过当你了解英国人的时候,他们非常友好。现在我在英国已经有很多英国朋友了。 ——By lsy34
相关热点: 宾夕法尼亚大学