

2012-06-24 18:00
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Keiko [/color]
Now let's talk with Keiko, a Japanese student studying in Britain. Hello, Keiko. How long have you been studying in Britain? Hello. About three years. So, what differences do you notice between the two countries? Obviously the biggest difference is the people. They are rather reserved, rather cold. But once you have made a friend, it's a friend for life. But it usually takes some time. I've got many English friends now. They are quite friendly and sincere. Oh, good. What about their way of life? Well, it's certainly more relaxed here. In Japan people work a lot harder than you do. Our work always comes first. You have tea breaks that get longer and longer. It's the speed of life really that I find rather tiring. What do you think of English food? Well, English food is healthy. But I wouldn't like to have it every day. It's rather, I wouldn't say dull, but too bland for my taste. What about the English weather? It's very changeable. It's cooler here in summer. When the sun's shining, it's very pleasant indeed, with green parks, trees, very beautiful. I don't like winter in England. It is very depressing especially when it drizzles. In fact, I love this country. Thank you very much.
现在,我们来采访Keiko,在英国学习的日本学生。你好,Keiko,你来英国学习有多久了? 你好,我来英国学习大约有三年。 所以,你觉得英国和日本有什么不一样呢? 很明显最大的区别就是人。英国人相对比较矜持,冷酷一点。但如果你跟他们做了朋友,他们会成为你生活中的朋友。但这需要一点时间。我现在有很多的英国朋友,他们都很友好、直率。 这非常好,他们的生活方式是怎么样的? 嗯,这里更加地轻松。在日本,人们比这里的人要更加地努力工作,我们总是把工作放在第一位。英国人有下午茶休息时间,生活节奏比较慢,这就是英国人的生活节奏,令我非常疲惫。 你觉得英国的食物怎么样? 我觉得英国的食物很健康,但我不想每天都吃。这样说吧,不是单调,只是对我来说太清淡了。 你觉得英国的天气怎么样? 英国的天气非常多变。在夏天这里比较凉快,当有太阳的时候,绿色的公园、树木都非常漂亮,真的能令人心情非常愉悦。但我不喜欢英国的冬天,令人心情非常沮丧,特别是下毛毛细雨的时候。但总的来说,我喜欢这个国家。 非常感谢。
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