

2012-06-15 23:53
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When writing essays you should have a selection of information and the subject or topic that holds the information together. You should have ways of making statements or creating an impression by changing slightly the words you use and the ways you use them. Keep one eye on the order you have chosen and the other on how you fasten things together. There are always different ways in which your ideas can be arranged, but once you have chosen an order, keep to it. Choose the order according to your purpose and your knowledge of what your reader expects. Make sure your order. Fits in with your purpose, so that you are fairly clear what you want to do. Fits in with what you have been asked to do. Makes sense to your reader Fits around all of what you want to include .
当你在写文章的时候,你必须要筛选信息,和与信息相关的主题。并且你要依照一定的方法去组织你的主旨思想,或者稍微改动一些字眼来吸引别人的眼球。 花一些时间研究你已经选择的文章结构,和怎么样把内容紧密连接起来。通常我们会有很多不同的方式来组织你的想法,但如果你已经选择了文章的结构,就保持这样不要改变了。根据你写作的目的和读者所希望读到的内容来选择你的结构。 确定你的结构。 跟你的写作目的相吻合,这样可以更清晰知道你想表达的内容。 跟你被要求的内容相吻合。 使你的读者能读懂你的文章 跟你想要表达的所有内容想吻合。
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