

2012-06-12 18:46
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Mr White [/color]
So how do you solve this problem? I place the easier facts to remember near the middle of my list, then recite the facts. I've found that when I do this it's much easier to memorise the complete list without forgetting a single fact. Oh, that's good. The second step is to overlearn. What does overlearn mean? To overlearn something is to learn it so thoroughly that you can recall it as quickly as you can recall your own name. If you cannot recall the facts that quickly and easily, you have not reached the overlearning stage. I see. To overlearn is to learn something so well that you can recall it very easily whenever you want to. Yes, to overlearn something, you must recite it many times, even after you think you know it very well. The last step is to review. I often review my lessons. That's good. You know if you want to keep something in your memory for a long time, you must review it. To review is to go back over things you have learned. At first you may want to review every day. In short time, every second or third day should be enough. If you can still recall the information easily, you can cut your review time to only once a week. As long as you can still recall the facts, you can make the time between reviews longer and longer. These three steps are very helpful ways to remember things. Thank you very much, Mr White, I have learned a lot from today's talk.
所以你是怎么解决这个问题的? 我把比较容易记住的内容放在我张表的中间,然后开始背诵。我发现这样做比起记忆这张表要简单,而且还不会忘记简单的内容。 嗯,这样很好。第二步是超量学习。 什么是超量学习? 超量学习就是你彻底地记住了,而且能够迅速地回忆起来,就像回忆起你的名字一样。如果你不能将事情轻易而且快速地回忆起来,说明你还没有到超量学习这步。 我明白了,超量学习就是对学习的内容烂熟于心,信手拈来。 我经常复习我的功课。 这很好。你要知道,如果你想长时间记住你所学的知识,你必须进行复习。复习就是把你学过的再回顾一次。刚开始的时候,你可能会每天都需要复习。在过一段时间后,每隔两三天复习也可以。当你能非常容易地回忆起知识,你能够把你的复习时间缩短到一个星期一次。只要你仍然能够轻易回忆起事情,就能一直把复习的间隔时间拖长。 这三步对于记事情来说是非常有用。再次谢谢你,怀特先生,在今天的演讲中我学到了很多东西。
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