

2013-03-21 15:14
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When I was alive, I maintained many different identities. Lover, wife and, ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves. Like my friend Lynette. She uesd to see herself as a career woman and a hugely successful one in that. She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations, and _____(第一个字母小写,最后没有句号)____. But Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label. The incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother.
her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition
我活着的时候,有着多重社会角色。爱人,妻子,最后变成受害者。是的,一个人的称谓很重要。它决定了人们如何给自己定位。 比如我的朋友勒奈特。过去她认为自己是一名职业女性,一名非常成功的女强人。她以处理公事时雷厉风行,演示报告时巧舌如簧,挫败对手时冷酷无情而闻名于圈内。但勒奈特放弃了事业,并换上了一个全新的称谓,无比幸福满足的全职太太。 ruthlessness 英['ru:θlisnis] 美['ru:θlisnis] n. 无情;残忍 wiping out 1.(尤指做滑雪或冲浪等体育运动时)跌倒,翻跌下来 2. wipe sb out 使疲惫不堪 3. wipe sb/sth out 彻底消灭;全部摧毁