

沪江英语 2012-04-04 09:00
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Ten years ago, Carlos' mother died after being hit by a car
that Andrew was driving.
Orson packed his bags...
You are not the woman I thought you were.
He's my son. I had no choice.
And I no longer choose to be your husband.
And Bree decided to come clean.
There's something I need to tell you. It's the kind of thing that could end our friendship.
A dying nurse made a confession...
The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.
How do you tell parents the child they've been raising
isn't really theirs?
Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision...
You can't sell your house.
We're not selling. We're renting.
Which led to the return of a long-lost neighbor.
The truth is, I used to live here.
Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.
They absolutely will.


one's bags
整理行装,收拾行李。Orson非常气愤Bree为了自己的儿子做出违背良心的事情,于是收拾包袱打算与Bree分开。当要表示收拾东西出门可用pack, 如pack books; pack bags for travelling。同时童鞋们还应掌握一些pack的短语:pack up 整理,把……打包;pack in 停止;pack with 塞进,挤进,某地方挤满了人。

2. come clean
这是一个美国俚语,译为:全盘招供,坦白承认。Bree隐瞒了一些事情,现在决定向Gaby坦白,就可以用come clean with Gaby。如果你想对某人坦白一些你做过的坏事,就可以说come clean with sb.

3. make a confession
坦白,招供,承认错误(有忏悔的含义)。大家还记得N年前的香港电影《伤城》吗?它的英文名字就叫“Confession of Pain". 如果所做之事涉及犯罪了,可用confession to justice表示自首之意。

4. run this hospital
管理这家医院。run是一个小学词汇,小学生都知道run是跑步的意思。今天我们要介绍的是run的另一个意思,是经营,管理,运转之意,这个意思在生活中更为常用,相当与supervise, operate, control. eg: run a business; run a company; run a firm. 另外还有一些run 的短语: in the long run 长远,终究;run on 继续,连续不断;run time 电脑运作时间。

5. drive
这个也是一个熟词,它的“驾驶”的意思就此跳过,我要提的是drive还有“不得不做,被迫使做某事”之意。Susan由于财务危机,被迫使出租自己的房子抵债。相当于have to; be compelled to. 短语:you drive me crazy 你让我神魂颠倒;drive away at work 努力工作;hard drive (电脑)硬盘驱动器


1. You are not the woman I thought you were.

这句话有与之前的想法、事物比较之意,可指人也可指物。eg: You are not what I thought you were./They are not as friendly to me as they were before. 

2. There's something I need to tell you.

