
别对我撒谎:S01E05-part 2 一个囚犯的赎罪自白

2011-11-08 20:00
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一个杀人囚犯在狱中的表现良好,所以获得提前释放的机会,但是要保证他真的已经改过自新;Lightman亲自审问他,呃,you know Lightman的行事风格,不想错过的看视频呶~~

First couple of years here, I was angry, so I took on the other prisoners. I took on the guards. I did a lot of solitary. Got so bad, I 1_________________ and carrying them around.
I wouldn't have 2_________________.
That much time in the hole...I read anything I could get my hands on.
Gardening manuals, economic textbooks, Spanish poetry. "There is 3_______________, at its end, an echo of joy." Ram髇 de Campoamor. I read that and...I don't know. I 4____________. What joy could come from that? And then, I'd realized...I 5________________.
That's a charming story. Would you mind? I missed lunch.
So, you're saying that you 6____________.
All I cared about was the power, the money. And I took a life.
Just the one?
I ruined the lives of many young Latinos, kids who could have had a chance.
Do you have any... plans, you know, for after prison?
I have a plan for street peace. We need a social agenda for the barrio. I've been stabbed twice the last month. 15 stitches this morning. 7_______________.
I 8_____________.

started stealing books from the prison library picked you for a bookworm no cry of pain without caused so much pain had to be the joy regret what you did My life is in your hands couldn't agree more
刚来这里时我很愤怒,跟其他狱友较量, 跟狱警较量,独来独往。 堕入深渊后我开始从监狱图书馆偷书,然后招摇过市。 你完全不像个书呆子。 身处牢狱之中,整日无所事事... 我看到什么书就读什么, 园艺手工,经济学课本,西班牙诗集, 没有痛苦的哭泣,也就没有喜悦的回响。 西班牙诗人,雷蒙 甘布亚摩 我读到此句... 难以说清… 我造成了那么多痛苦。 其中的喜悦又是什么呢? 那个时候我忽然醒悟... 我要成为喜悦之源。 听起来引人入胜。 你不介意吧? 我还没有吃午饭。 你说你对自己所作之事感到懊悔。 我过去只在乎权力,金钱,我夺走了一条性命。 只有一条性命? 我毁了很多年轻拉丁人的生活,他们本可以有大好人生的。 对于出狱后的生活你有什么规划么? 我想致力于街头和平。 我们得为城区制定社会议程。 上个月我被刺杀两次, 今早又缝了 15针。 我的性命掌握在你手中。 的确如此。