
China Daily:日研制3D人脸面具 让你拥有第二张脸

2011-10-16 12:00
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vinyl chloride
3DPF - 3 Dimensional Photo Form

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Now this is a gap in the market no one had seen before. Plucky Japanese start-up Real-f offers you the chance to "see yourself" as never before. For £2,500 - or $3,920 - the company takes digital stills of your face, then moulds them over a 3D model to create a hard vinyl chloride "face". The resulting model is called a 3DPF - 3 Dimensional Photo Form. If a face isn't quite enough, then you can opt for a full head and shoulders. The company describes its process as a "human photocopier". Oddly, it's not the first start-up to offer human face masks featuring your own face - but it's by far the most realistic. Real-f claims you can discern individual bloodvessels and irises in the models. "We have progressed from monochrome to colour, now is the era of the 3D stereoscopic effect," it says. The one thing Real-f fails to address is what the point of it all might be - except to suggest that you could put the "head" model, about twice the price of a mask, on top of a mannequin. Whatever you use them for, expect to wait two weeks for delivery.
日本新兴企业Real-f公司日前研发出仿真人脸面具,大胆地填补了这一市场空白。拥有了自己的“第二张脸”,你会发现从未如此清晰地“看过自己”。 仿真面具价格不菲,单价高达2500英镑(合3920美元)。公司首先拍摄顾客容貌,之后在3D模具上制作出坚固的氯乙烯“人脸”。 制成的面具称为三维仿真面具(3DPF)。如果单单一张仿真人脸还不够,你还可以选择制作从头到肩膀的全套面具。 公司将这一过程称之为“人体印刷”。 该公司并非首家制作以客户面貌为原型的仿真人脸面具的公司,但目前来看,这家公司所作出的面具最逼真。 Real-f公司称,人们甚至可以在3D面具上看清每根血管和眼睛虹膜。” 公司称:“我们已经实现了从单色到彩色的跃进,如今的时代人们追求的是立体效果。” 但Real-f公司没有提到,制作仿真人脸面具意义何在,只是提出可以把全套的“人头”面具安装在人体模型身上。这种“人头”面具的价格大约是普通面具的两倍。 但不管你拿来做什么用,制作和配送都需要两周时间。
相关热点: 人力资源年终总结