

@贺小米要养龙猫 2013-10-07 11:21
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Cuoco, 27, and Sweeting, 26, have been showing some adorable PDA since Us Weekly exclusively broke news that the pair got engaged in late September after a three-month courtship. The newly engaged couple were previously spotted holding hands when Sweeting visited the Bang actress on set on Oct. 2.
《US Weekly》9月下旬报道,27岁的Cuoco和26岁的Sweeting在交往3个月后订婚了。10月2日Sweeting去找《生活大爆炸》女主角Cuoco的时候被记者拍到两人手牵着手一副幸福甜蜜的样子。

"I'm excited, on top of the world, we're so happy!" the blonde beauty told reporters on the red carpet at the Polo event. But despite the speedy engagement, the pair are in no rush to the altar. "We are too busy to wedding plan," she added. "In a year we will start talking about it. We are enjoying being engaged."

The blushing bride-to-be told Entertainment Tonight: "We have all the same family friends. We grew up with the same people, we just never met. So I kind of feel that I've known him my whole life."
这位很快就要走入婚姻殿堂的女人接受《Entertainment Tonight》采访时说,“我们家庭成员都互相认识,陪伴我们长大的是同一群人,只是我们之前居然从没见过。所以我觉得我好像是认识他很久很久了。
