

2013-04-26 15:03
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这类题一般是根据对话双方谈话所涉及的内容,问话人提问某一方对某事、某人、某物的态度和看法,其特点是考生无法从对话中直接得到答案,而是透过对话内容的暗示、转折或引申推断出正确答案。所以此类题难度最大,历年出题频率也很高。做这类题要格外认真,尽快抓住四个选项的共同点,对所听的内容进行归纳、分析、 判断。 

暗示题 2004.1 

M: I like the color of this shirt, do you have a larger size? 
W: This is the largest in this color, other colors come in all sizes. 
Q: What does the woman imply? 
A) The man could buy a shirt of a different color. 
B) The size of the shirt is all right for the man. 
C) The size the man wants will arrive soon. 
D) The man could come some time later. 

【解析】 通过A、B、C三个选项都有关于shirt的大小或颜色,所以你应该马上联想起颜色类:红red、蓝blue、绿green、黄yellow及尺寸大large、小small等词汇,在原文中女士表明这种颜色的shirt是最大码,其他颜色的有各种尺寸,言外之意:男士可以选择其他的颜色,所以选A。其他选项与原文不符。 


W: The letter we received yesterday says that John is expecting to arrive here at six o’clock. 
M: I hope so. But I’m afraid that we won’t be able to meet him at the airport. 
Q: What can we learn from this conversation? 
A) We received John’s letter at six. 
B) John well arrive by train. 
C) The man will meet John at the airport. 
D) John is expected to be here by plane. 

【预测】 通过选项分析这题是围绕John要来,是坐飞机还是坐火车,有没有人去接一系列话题。 

【解析】 原文中女士说到昨天收到John的信说6点会来,故排除A,男士说话中but后面是此题的核心:他不能去机场去接John,所以选D,B、C不攻自破。 


W: Tom! I thought you wouldn’t come for this party. 
M: Such a party animal like me wouldn’t come? Wild horses couldn’t keep me away! 
Q: What does the man mean? 
A) He is an animal.            B) He came to this party on a horse. 
C) No doubt he will come.  D) He hates wild horse. 

【预测】 通过选项分析此题关于he去否,出现animal、horse让人匪夷所思。是不是很怪,好好听题吧。 

【解析】 女士说没想到Tom会去晚会,Tom回答说wild horse couldn’t keep me away是句谚语,意思是野马也挡不住我来,言下之意,他肯定会来,所以选C,其他都不对。 



