

2011-12-17 19:30
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11. 考试问题
M: I don’t know what to do. I have to drive to Chicago next Friday for my cousin’s wedding,        but I have got a Psychology test to prepare for.

W: Why don’t you record your notes so you can study on the way?

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

【解析】事实细节题   此对话中the woman用了建议的句型,即Why don’t you…,从这句话中就可以得出正确答案。

需掌握的场景词汇:prepare to; record your notes

12. 戏剧表演
M: Professor Wright, you may have to find another student to play this role, the lines are so long and I simply can’t remember them all.

W: Look, Tony. It is still a long time before the first show. I don’t expect you to know all the lines yet. Just keep practicing.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

【解析】判断推理题  此对话是考查对整个对话内容的理解。

需掌握的场景词汇:play this role; line; show; practice

13. 患者住院
M: Hello, this is Dr. Martin from the Emergency Department. I have a male patient with a    fractured ankle.

W: Oh, we have one bed available in ward 3, send him here and I will take care of him.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?

【解析】判断推理题  此对话根据场景词汇:Emergency Department; patient; bed; take care of等很明显判读是关于病人要住院的对话。

需掌握的场景词汇:emergency; patient; fractured ankle; bed; ward; take care of

14. 职位推荐
W: Since Simon will graduate this May, the school paper needs a new editor. So if you are interested, I will be happy to nominate you.

M: Thanks for considering me. But the baseball team is starting up a new season. And I’m afraid I have a lot on my hands.

Q: What does the man mean?

【解析】判断推理题+词汇理解题 此对话重点在the man的话中, 转折词后面是答案要点,对短语a lot on my hands的理解也很重要,the man传达的意思是他太忙了,估计不过来,因此他不会接受editor的工作。

需掌握的场景词汇:editor; nominate; consider

15. 政治新闻

W: Have you heard the news that Jame Smeil has resigned his post as prime minister?

M: Well, I got it from the headlines this morning. It’s reported that he made public at this decision at the last cabinet meeting.

Q: what do we learn about Jame Smeil?

【解析】事实理解题  此对话是关于一条政治新闻的谈论,对话中谈到了Jame Smeil辞职的事情,the man具体说明了报纸的内容。

需掌握的场景词汇:news; resign one’s post; prime minister; headline; It’s reported…; cabinet meeting


W: The morning paper says the space shuttle is taking off at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

M: Yeah, it’s just another one of this year’s routine missions. The first mission was undertaken a decade ago and broadcast live then worldwide.

Q: what can we infer from this conversation?

【解析】判断推理题  此对话谈论了航天飞机的发射问题。

需掌握的场景词汇:space shuttle; take off; routine mission; broadcast live

17. 山间露营

M: We do a lot of camping in the mountains. What would you recommend for two people?

W: You’d probably be better off with the four real drive vehicle. We have several off-road trucks in stock, both new and used.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

【解析】地点题  此对话谈论山间露营的一些问题,根据双方对话的内容,可以判断应是游客和一个店主的对话。

需掌握的场景词汇:camping in the mountains; drive vehicle; off-road trucks; in stock

18. 购物

W: I hear you did some serious shopping this past weekend.

M: Yeah, the speakers of my old stereo finally gave out and there was no way to repair them.

Q: What did the man do over the weekend?

【解析】事实细节题  此对话中the woman的话语中已给了一定的提示,即did some serious shopping,再根据the man的回答可以推知他具体是去买stereo。

需掌握的场景词汇:do some shopping; repair 
