

2010-12-18 16:08
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87.___________________(为了确保他参加会议),I called him up in advance.
解析:In order to ensure him to attend the meeting
To ensure his attendance at the meeting
【结构分析】本题句子的主干 “I called him up in advance”已经给出,无需翻译,需要翻译部分为“为了确保他能参加会议”。该部分在句子中作目的状语
【考点解释】本题考查是目的状语。①目的状语可以由to/in order to来引导。②确保 ensure sb to do 确保某人做某事,ensure sth 确保某事

88.The significant museum________________(据说建成于)about a hundred years ago.
解析:is said to have been built
【结构分析】本题句子的主语为the significant museum,缺谓语,即(据说建成于)
about a hundred years ago为时间状语。
【考点解释】本题重点考查:①被动语态。主语museum与动词build之间为被动关系; 且bulid这一动作发生在过去。②据说 be said to;be said to+ 动词不定式的完成时,表示不定式表示的动作已经完成。

89.There would be no life on earth ____________________ (没有地球独特的环境)。
解析: without its unique environment
but for its unique environment
【结构分析】本题句子含有There be结构。主干完整,there主语,would be 谓语,no life 表语,on earth 地点状语
【考点解释】本题重点考查:①without的用法 without 是介词,后接名词;同时,表示“没有”,除without外,还可用but for;②单词拼写 unique adj.独特;environment n.环境 ③当名词重复出现时,可适当使用代词,避免重复。

90.______________________________(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.
解析:What impressed the tourists most
【结构分析】本题句子为主系表结构,主语即考查部分,was 系动词,剩余部分为表语。
【考点解释】本题重点考查①what引导的主语从句;what可引导句子充当主语;②impress用法 给…留下印象 impress sb;③最高级的用法most;结合考点②③,可推出“给…印象最深”为impress sb most

91.They requested that ___________________________ (我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday.
解析:books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library
I (should) return the book I borrowed to the library
【结构分析】本题句子的主干部分分别是they 主语,request 谓语,后接that引导的宾语从句。
【考点解释】①request的用法。request v. 要求;当request表示“要求”时,引导的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气,即(should)+ 动词原形。②定语从句。“我借的书”, the book (that) I borrowed;③单词的拼写。归还 return,借 borrow,图书馆 library ④本题就此题提供了两个版本的答案,但在表示“规定,规则”时,被动语态更为常用。


