《爱情笔记》是一部细腻生动的恋爱过程全记录。 其间,才子德波顿细述一段情缘中的邂逅、迷恋、平凡中的幸福、熟悉后的倦怠、女友移情别恋、挽回无望、自杀、醒悟,以至一段情完全成为过去。他认真思辩自己的感觉,忠实记下与女友交往中的各个细节,特别是心理和哲学层面的思考,文字生动、处处机锋,不仅有极大的阅读乐趣,阅毕更令人回味无穷。
作者简介:阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton),英伦才子型作家,生于1969年,毕业于剑桥大学,现住伦敦。著有小说《爱情笔记》(1993)、《爱上浪漫》(1994)、《亲吻与诉说》(1995)及散文作品《拥抱逝水年华》(1997)、《哲学的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的艺术》(2002)。他的作品已被译成二十几种文字。(以上介绍转自一舟博客)
1, This was not an unusual thought, but in falling in love with her, I had somehow entirely overlooked the possibility of reciprocation.
somehow:某种方式,不知怎么地 【例句】We must make up for the lost time somehow. 我们必须以某种方式把损失的时间补上。
2, It was this difficulty of receiving that struck me over breakfast, for though the croissants could not have been morebuttery and the coffee more aromatic, something about the attention and affection they symbolized disturbed me.
aromatic:芳香的,芳香植物,芳香类化合物 【常用短语】aromatic odor 芳香气味 【例句】The drink was mixed with aromatic spices. 饮料中带有香料。
3, Chloe had opened her body to me the night before, in the morning she had opened her kitchen, but I could not now prevent a sense of uneasiness, that bordered on irritation, and amounted to the muffled thought: 'What have I done to deserve this?'
bordered:有边的 【例句】Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
irritation:刺激 【常用词组】skin irritation 皮肤刺激
4, If one is not wholly convinced of one's own lovability, receiving affection can appear like being bestowedan honour for a feat one feels no connection with.
feat:壮举,功绩 【常用短语】①work the feat 奏效 ②feat of arms 武功
5, Lovers unfortunate enough to prepare breakfast for such types must brace themselves for the recriminations due to all false flatterers.
brace:支柱,支撑 【常用短语】①brace one's energies 奋勇, 振作 ②wind brace 抗风支撑
recrimination:揭丑,反责 【例句】Let's make friends, instead of wasting our time on recriminations. 我们交个朋友吧,不要浪费时间互相指责。