

沪江英语 2012-02-10 08:30
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本书原文由古希腊文而作,英文版选择比较权威的George Long的版本,中文版选择何怀宏的版本作参考。笔记中的英文释义摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

马可•奥勒留(Marcus Aurelius,公元121—180年),著名的“帝王哲学家”,古罗马帝国皇帝,在希腊文学和拉丁文学、修辞、哲学、法律、绘画方面受过很好的教育,晚期斯多葛学派代表人物之一。奥勒留也许是西方历史上唯一的一位哲学家皇帝。他是一个比他的帝国更加完美的人,他的勤奋工作最终并没有能够挽救古罗马,但是他的《沉思录》却成为西方历史上的伟大名著。


5.20 Soon, very soon, thou wilt be ashes, or a skeleton, and either a name or not even a name; but name is sound and echo. And the things which are much valued in life are empty and rotten and trifling, and like little dogs biting one another, and little children quarrelling, laughing, and then straightway weeping. But fidelity and modesty and justice and truth are fled up to Olympus from the wide-spread earth. What then is there which still detains thee here? If the objects of sense are easily changed and never stand still, and the organs of perception are dull and easily receive false impressions; and the poor soul itself is an exhalation from blood. But to have good repute amidst such a world as this is an empty thing. Why then dost thou not wait in tranquility for thy end, whether it is extinction or removal to another state? And until that time comes, what is sufficient? Why, what else than to venerate the gods and bless them, and to do good to men, and to practise tolerance and self-restraint; but as to everything which is beyond the limits of the poor flesh and breath, to remember that this is neither thine nor in thy power.

detain [v]~sb.
          1. to keep sb. in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving.
          2. (formal) to delay sb. or prevent them from going somewhere.
             e.g.: I'm sorry-he'll be late; he's detained at a meeting.
venerate [v] ~ sb./sth. (as sth.) (formal)
           to have and show a lot of respect for sb./sth., especially sb./sth. that is considered to be holy or very important.
             e.g.: The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint.

5.21 Thou canst pass thy life in an equable flow of happiness, if thou canst go by the right way, and think and act in the right way. These two things are common both to the soul of God and to the soul of man, and to the soul of every rational being, not to be hindered by another; and to hold good to consist in the disposition to justice and the practice of it, and in this to let thy desire find its termination.


5.20 很快,你就将化为灰尘,或者一具骷髅,一个名称,甚至连名称也没有,而名称只是声音和回声。那在生活中被高度重视的东西是空洞的、易朽和琐屑的,像小狗一样互相撕咬,小孩子们争吵着、笑着,然后又马上哭泣。但忠诚、节制、正义和真理却:从宽广的大地飞向奥林匹斯山。如果感觉的对象是容易变化的,从不保持静止;知觉器官是迟钝的,容易得到错误的印象;可怜的灵魂本身是从血液的一种嘘气,那么还有什么使你滞留在此呢?是为了在这样一个空洞的世界里有一个好名声。那么你为什么不安静地等着你的结局,不论它是死亡还是迁徙到另一国家呢?直到那一时刻来临,怎样才是足够的呢?难道不就是崇敬和赞美神灵,对人们行善,实行忍耐和节制;至于那么在可怜的肉体和呼吸之外的一切事物,要记住它们既不是属于你的也不是你力所能及的。

5.21 如果你能走正确的道路,正确地思考和行动,你就能在一种幸福的平静流动中度过一生。这两件事对于神的灵魂和人的灵魂,对于理性存在的灵魂都是共同的,不要受别的事情打扰。好好地坚持正义的气质并实行正义,这样你就能消除你的欲望。
