

2011-02-03 22:17
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Pamela Barnes—Supernatural PK Dallas


Pamela Barnes: Supernatural PK Dallas

Pamela Barnes: 《邪恶力量》PK《朱门恩怨》

Pamela Barnes on Supernatural was a psychic whose eyesight and life would have been better off if she had avoided the Winchesters. Pamela Barnes on Dallas was a girl from the wrong side of the tracks whose life (but not fortune) would have been better off if she hadn’t married Bobby Ewing. 

《邪恶力量》中的Pamela Barnes是个巫师,如果避开Winchester一家,或许她的眼界和生活都会更好些。《朱门恩怨》中的Pamela Barnes是个来自贫民区的女孩,如果没有嫁给Bobby Ewing,或许她的生活也会好些。

Chuck—Chuck PK Gossip Girl PK Pushing Daisies

Chuck: Chuck PK Gossip Girl PK Pushing Daisies


How many people do you know named Chuck? Not many, right? Despite this, “Chuck" was a major character in not one but three network TV shows that premiered during the fall of 2007. Chuck Bartowski was the titular hero of Chuck, Chuck Bass was the main bad boy on Gossip Girl and Chuck Charles was the dead-but-brought-back-to-life girl on Pushing Daisies.  

你认识几个叫Chuck的家伙?应该不会很多吧?尽管如此,“Chuck”这个名字还是被用在了2007年秋季3部不同剧集的主角身上(注意,是3部不是1部噢~)《超市特工》里的Chuck Bartowski是个有名无实的“伪英雄”;《绯闻女孩》里的Chuck Bass是个实足的坏男孩 (或许花花公子的称号更适合他…);《灵指神探》里的Chuck Charles则是个死而复生的角色。

Forman—House PK That 70s Show

Forman: House PK That 70s Show


Eric Foreman is a prickly but talented doctor suffering under the employ of Dr. House. Eric Forman was a 1970s teenager.

《豪斯医生》里的Eric Foreman受雇于豪斯医生,这家伙虽然脾气不咋地,但还算多才。《70年代秀》里的Eric Forman则是生活在那个年代的青少年。

Sarah Walker—Chuck PK Brothers & Sisters

Sarah Walker: Chuck PK Brothers & Sisters

Sarah Walker:《超市特工》PK《兄弟姐妹》

Chuck’s superspy girlfriend may use the fake name “Sarah Walker," but she uses it well. Over on Brothers & Sisters, Sarah Walker (very much her real name) is a struggling business owner.

在《超市特工》里,Chuck的特工女友就用了“Sarah Walker”这个名字,但人家用着还挺好。在《兄弟姐妹》中的Sarah Walker (这次应该是真名了吧) 是个奋斗打拼着的企业家。

Walter Bishop—Fringe PK Moonlighting

Walter Bishop: Fringe PK Moonlighting

Walter Bishop:《危机边缘》PK《蓝色月光侦探社》

Long ago on Moonlighting, Cybill Shepherd’s Maddie Hayes briefly married a man named Walter Bishop, who unfortunately didn’t stand a chance against Bruce Willis. Currently on Fringe, Walter Bishop is a mad scientist . 

在《蓝色月光侦探社》中,Maddie Hayes嫁给了一个叫Walter Bishop的家伙,不幸的是这家伙没能有机会打败效力于Maddie Hayes侦探社里的Bruce Willis。而在《危机边缘》中的Walter Bishop则是个疯狂的科学家,

Lyla Garrity—Friday Night Lights PK Wonderland

Lyla Garrity: Friday Night Lights PK Wonderland

Lyla Garrity:《胜利之光》PK《奇境》

Peter Berg’s first crush was a girl named Lyla Garrity. Thus, when he created Wonderland and then Friday Night Lights, Berg included her name among the characters.

导演Peter Berg曾爱上过一个Lyla Garrity的女孩。后来,当他创作《奇境》和《胜利之光》时,Berg就把这个女孩的名字加进了片中角色。

Greene—Friends PK ER

Greene: Friends PK ER


While Friends pretty much revolved around its Rachel Green, ER’s Rachel Greene appeared only sporadically, mostly as the child of Dr. Mark Greene. Right at the end of the show, she was also a medical student. 

《老友记》里的故事情节很多都是围绕着Rachel Green这个角色展开的,而在《急症室的故事》一剧中,Rachel Greene的出场机会就少得多了,大部分时候都是作为Dr. Mark Greene的孩子出现。在该剧的最后,她还是一名医学系的学生。

Chris Keller—One Tree Hill PK Oz

Chris Keller: One Tree Hill PK Oz

Chris Keller:《篮球兄弟》PK《监狱风云》

One was a bad boy musician with aims to break up marriage. The other was an Aryan sociopath with aims to break an enemy through deceitful love. 

《篮球风云》里的Chris Keller是个坏坏的音乐人,貌似老是破坏别人的婚姻。而在《监狱风云》里的Chris Keller则是个雅利安反社会分子,老是用欺诈感情来打败敌人。
