
轻快惬意:放慢脚步画个圈 Takin It Slow

2008-10-27 12:55
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  著名钢琴家大石学的编曲,以及土歧麻子亲自作词作曲,让这第一张FULL ALBUM锦上添花,旋律轻松愉悦,流畅动人。这张作品也是土歧麻子作为礼物送给喜欢她的歌迷们的倾心之作,所以其分量也可见一斑。至于专辑自身当然是几近完美,无论从伴奏、编曲到乐曲自身的旋律以及土歧麻子温和的声音,实在让人为之着迷。

Artist:土岐麻子(Toki Asako)
Song:Takin' It Slow

Taking it slow

And let the wind play with your hair

Blow the cobwebs from your mind

The've been keeping you so blind

Didn't you know?

There is so much that you can share

All the happiness

Don't even hesitate

Oh,baby,make a brand new start

Once in while you get so down
Baby,once in a while you feel the doubt
The obstacles that from reality
They are mere illusion
A bigger picture's waiting here for you
So step back
Into a bright new world
A world of color and harmony

Taking it slow
Just smell the fragrance in the air
Watch the clouds dance in the sky
Right before your very eyes

Didn't you know
That every single blade of grass
Is a miracle?
Don't even hesitate
Oh,baby,make a brand new start

Can't navigate the ups and downs
No you can't understand the ins and outs
The puzzles that confuse reality
They are mere illusion
A bigger picturer's waiting here for you
So step back
Into a bright new world
A world of color and harmony

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