
贾夫人Jessic Biel正式更名随夫姓

沪江英语 2013-09-12 11:50
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They have already been married for eleven months.

And after Jessica Biel revealed that she would be taking her husband Justin Timberlake's surname last year, the actress has reportedly now made it official.
According to Life & Style magazine, the 31-year-old Total Recall star has legally changed her name to 'Jessica Timberlake'.

She will however be still known as 'Biel' for professional purposes.
'It's all official!' a source told Life & Style. 'The paperwork is done and she's now legally Jessica Timberlake.'
“已经正式更名了!”有消息人士告诉Life & Style,“已经签署了文件,现在她正式更名为杰西卡·汀布莱克了。”

Jessica and Justin tied the knot last year in a stunning ceremony in Italy.

Their statement to read: 'It's great to be married, the ceremony was beautiful and it was so special to be surrounded by our family and friends.'
他们在 上写道,“结婚真的太棒了,结婚典礼也很美丽,有家人和朋友的陪伴感觉很特别。”

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