

沪江英语编译 2013-09-13 12:00
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Big stars also have past

The Internet hit celebrity gold this week when one Reddit user asked others to share their "before they were stars" stories. Of course, none of this is fact-checked, so it this could be pure fan fantasy, but here's what people are saying in the thread.
这周,Reddit 的一名网站用户让大家分享明星成名前经历,引爆网民跟帖。当然,这些帖子都还没有经过证实,大家就把它当作粉丝的YY吧。以下是我们节选的一些有趣回复。

1.Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart was a bit of a trouble maker: "Went to middle school with Kristen Stewart. She just finished Panic Room and had really short hair. She sat behind me in bio and pulled my hair, teacher thought it was cute."
克里斯汀·斯图尔特是个麻烦鬼:“我跟她是中学同学。她那时刚刚拍完《战栗空间》( Panic Room ) ,头发剪得很短。在上生物课的时候她坐在我后面,一直扯我的头发,但老师居然觉得她的行为很可爱。”

2.Blake Lively

Blake Lively was a jokester: "I went to high school with Blake Lively. She was super pretty and very popular. She still went to our school when she was making the traveling pants movie and it never went to her head. She was really nice and actually really funny. She was voted class clown in the year book."
布蕾克·莱弗利很爱开玩笑:“我跟她在同一所高中。她超级漂亮,很受欢迎。在拍了《牛仔裤的夏天》( The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants ) 之后,她还是继续来上学,好像这不是一件大事。她人很好,而且很搞笑。在毕业留念册她还被评选为班级‘小丑’。”

3.Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff was bullied: "I remember a friend of mine on my soccer team was talking about this weirdo Hilary Duff. He went to school with her and she was nowhere near being in the popular group. From the way he talked I think she was bullied a lot."

4.Michael Cera

Michael Cera was, not surprisingly, awkward: "Michael Cera was my reading buddy in elementary school. He was on a Canadian kids show at the time, so he wasn't a complete unknown. He was kind of awkward, but an overall nice guy."

5.Sean Connery

Sean Connery was a big, handsome milkman: "Sean Connery used to deliver milk to my Grandad's shop. He would say that he was a hard worker and a big man. My Nan would always chirp in, 'and handsome.'"

6.Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks was a Rocky Horror fan: "My brother dated Christina Hendricks briefly after high school. He says she was a really sweet person. They met at a Rocky Horror Show."

7.Hayden Christensen

Hayden Christensen was a little aloof: "My high school drama TA was Hayden Christensen. Came off as stuck up but was pretty nice and willing to help and give pointers on acting. Just seemed quiet the rest of the time."

8.Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga was a drama babe: "Lady Gaga (then Stefani Germanotta) starred in my high school's production of Guys and Dolls. We were an all-male school, so we recruited from neighboring all female-schools for our shows. She was a very friendly and affable person, even if she could be a bit conceited at times. "
嘎嘎小姐以前是一个“戏剧宝贝”:“Gaga (当时还叫 Stefani Germanotta )参与演出了我高中时的戏剧《红男绿女》。因为我当时在男校,所以我们从隔壁女校拉来外援。她是个挺好相处的人,也很讨人喜欢,即使有时候会让人觉得有点自负。 ”

9.Danny McBride

Danny McBride was pretty much the same: My sister's high school sweetheart was Danny McBride. He always came over our house and was effing hilarious, and super nice. "

10.Katy Perry

Katy Perry wasn't exactly popular: "I went to high school with Katy Perry — whom nobody really liked because she was super Christian and kind of mousey."
