

沪江英乐 2012-07-08 09:30
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The short film features a polar bear sifting through trash in London on a desperate search for food, smelling exhaust fumes from cars and wandering the streets alone. The sad video ends as the bear dies under a tree in a park.

Radiohead's "Everything in Its Right Place" provides the soundtrack to the film, while Law urges viewers to get active and join the campaign to save the bear's natural habitat. He says, "As the Arctic melts, the rush to exploit its resources is starting. Nobody will listen to her (bear) but they'll listen to you. Join the movement. Save the Arctic."

Save the polar bears, save the earth!

沪江英乐: 英伦摇滚大牌Radiohead联手影星裘德·洛,为一部名为《无家可归的北极熊》公益片献声。短片以Radiohead的单曲配乐,影片讲述了一只无家可归的北极熊流浪在伦敦的大街小巷,最终无助的在树旁死去的故事。同时,Jude Law也在影片中呼吁大众保护环境。

相关热点: 英文歌曲 流行音乐 宾语