

沪江英语 2012-06-24 09:15
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Katy Perry graces the cover of the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter.

Here’s what the 27-year-old singer had to share:

On her California Dreams tour: “There were times when what was going on in my personal life was so overwhelming that I had to bend over to let those tears fall straight out of my eyes and not my false lashes just as I’m about to go up on that ramp and sing ‘Teenage Dream.’”

On dealing with divorce from Russell Brand in her songs: “Like how I write my songs, honesty has always worked for me. So if it ain’t broke, why f—ing fix it? … Nobody knows what really happened [in the breakup] except the two people who are in it.”

On creating her own record label: “When it does come to fruition, I’m going to try and avoid the things that take away any fighting chance for an artist to have financial success.”

沪江娱乐:近日,Katy Perry一头紫色秀发惊艳亮相《好莱坞记者报》封面。在采访中,这位27岁的女歌手畅谈了自己的“加州梦”的巡演,自己与前夫Russell Brand见破碎的感情以及自己的商业计划——开自己的唱片公司。她表示当时机成熟的时候她会试试,但是会避免不必要的冒险。
