
约翰•梅尔新单吐心声 与前任安妮斯顿彻底告别

沪江英语 2012-05-04 10:30
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John Mayer is finally ready to let go of Jennifer Aniston -- in song. Although they split nearly three years ago, the 34-year-old singer penned his single "Shadow Days"  with Aniston, 43, in mind. "Shadow Days is about Jen," a source tells Us Weekly. "It really took him a long time to get over her. He really loved her a lot."

Sings Mayer in the song: ""You find yourself alone. . . I found myself in pieces/ On my hotel floor/Hard times help me see/I'm a good man with a good heart/Had a tough time, got a rough start/And I finally learned to let it go."
Explains the source: "He wrote the song as a farewell letter knowing [Jen] would hear it. Ultimately he's done a lot of self reflection though and it he realizes they weren't right for each other."

The rocker and the Horrible Bosses actress first got together in April 2008 and, after multiple breakups, called it quits for good in late 2009. Aniston has been happily ensconced with Justin Theroux for over a year now. "[John and Jen] weren't right for each other, but he is really a good guy."

After high-profile flameouts both Simpson, 31, and then Aniston, Mayer is done dating celebs, the source adds. "He's looking for a nice, non famous girl he can relate to. . . He loved [Jen and Jessica] both but it really affected him emotionally and it wasn't worth it."

沪江娱乐快讯:约翰·梅尔与詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的姐弟恋早在三年前就已结束。尽管如此,梅尔在创作新单"Shadow Days" 时依然写下了当年与安妮斯顿分手后痛苦的心路历程,以此歌作为与前女友的最后告别。

沪江英乐欣赏:John Mayer - Shadow Days:痛苦终将过去

两人相恋于2008年,之后经历数度分分合合,最终于2009年底正式分手。据知情人透露,梅尔曾深爱着安妮斯顿,但两人其实并不适合对方。最终的分手让梅尔十分痛苦。如今三年过去,安妮斯顿有了新欢Justin Theroux,而梅尔也期待着新的恋情。"Shadow Days"是梅尔写给安妮斯顿的最后告别。让我们祝福两人都能早日收获自己的幸福吧!
