
Marcus Collins - Seven Nation Army:经典摇滚翻唱

沪江英语 2012-03-28 16:00
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沪江英乐:“白色条纹” (The White Stripes) 乐队可能是世界上最神秘的乐队。队中的一男一女声称是兄妹关系,然而事实却并非如此,有狗仔队的证据明明证明他们是曾经恩爱如今已经分飞的夫妇。他们将60年代粗野却饱含活力的车库摇滚重新带回了音乐界,使奄奄一息的欧美音乐界忍不住眼光一亮。

“白色条纹”成立于1997年。最初,因为穿得像两颗糖果(在中国,会不会有人说他们像两个红包套)和没有贝斯手,他们获得了一定的关注。1999年和 2000年,他们发行了两张唱片后,获得了和“人行道”(Pavement)乐队一起巡演的机会。在发展过程中,乐队开始把音乐做得充满孩子气,这和他们 的装束也是一致的,同时他们又在孩子气中加入了人见人爱的幽默感。这是乐队最终胜出的又一大原因所在,而为国内很多“资深”乐迷所津津乐道的“布鲁斯爆炸”(Blues Explosion)尽管有着稚气的风情却由于缺乏幽默感而并未在欧美主流乐坛形成气候。


乐队在13年中共发行了6张专辑,乐队的代表作《Hotel Yorba》,《Fell In Love With A Girl》以及今天为大家奉送的《Seven Nation Army》曾为乐队赢得了5次格莱美奖及1次全英奖。

同时,《Seven Nation Army》也是2011年第八季英国偶像X Factor亚军--23岁男歌手Marcus Collins的个人首支单曲,Marcus首张同名大碟3月11日在英国发行。

Marcus Collins版本中英对照MV:

Singer:Marcus Collins

Song:Seven Nation Army

i'm gonna fight 'em off
a seven nation army couldn't hold me back
they gonna rip it off
taking their time right behind my back
and i'm talking to myself at night because i can't forget
back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette
and a message coming from my eyes says leave it alone

don't want to hear about it
every single one's got a story to tell
everyone knows about it
from the queen of england to the hounds of hell
and if i catch you coming back my way
i'm going to serve it to you
and that ain't what you want to hear
but that's what i'll do
and a feeling coming from my bones says find a home

i'm goin' to wichita
far from this opera forevermore
i'm gonna work the straw
make the sweat drip out of every pore
and i'm bleeding and i'm bleeding
and i'm bleeding right before my lord
oh, the words are going to bleed from me
and i will think no more
and the stains coming from my blood tell me go back home
