

沪江英语 2012-02-22 18:01
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Jennifer Joanna Aniston (born February 11, 1969) is an American actress, film director, and producer. Aniston gained worldwide recognition in the 1990s for portraying Rachel Green on the television sitcom Friends, a role which earned her an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award.

Aniston has also enjoyed a successful Hollywood film career. She gained critical acclaim for her performances in the independent films She's the One (1996), Office Space (1999), The Good Girl (2002), and Friends with Money (2006).[4] She has had her greatest commercial successes with the films Bruce Almighty (2003), The Break-Up (2006), Marley & Me (2008), Just Go with It (2011), and Horrible Bosses (2011).[5] Aniston has been selected for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2012.


詹妮弗-安妮斯顿,1969年2月11日出生于美国加利福利亚州谢尔曼-奥克斯(Sherman Oaks)的一个演艺世家,父亲约翰(John Aniston)是个老资格的电视演员,母亲南希(Nancy Aniston)曾当过模特、演员,甚至她的教父也是位明星----1994年1月22日已故的光头男星特利-萨瓦莱斯(Telly Savalas)。小的时候,詹妮弗继承了父亲的幽默天赋和母亲的天生丽质,是家中可爱的小天使。但随着父母感情的破裂,在她9岁那年,父母终于离婚了,她跟随母亲前往纽约定居。11岁那年,在父亲的指点下,她考进了鲁道夫-史丹勒表演艺术学校。不久,她又进入纽约高等艺术表演中学选修表演艺术,并开始接受专业的表演训练,这时她作出了以演艺为职业的决定。
