

serena_she 2009-11-28 23:05
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In a sign that the investigation into the uninvited White House guests is intensifying, CNN has learned that U.S. Secret Service agents paid a visit to the Oasis Winery in Virginia, the couple's mailing address. The manager confirms two agents showed up Friday morning, indicated they were not there to arrest Tareq and Michaele Salahi, but said, "It is imperative that we speak with them. If they do not sit down with us and talk, we will take whatever action necessary."

The Secret Service won't confirm that account, but says it wants to interview everybody, including the Salahis.

"Mr. and Mrs. Salahi."


It was a stunning admission from the Secret Service, that at Tuesday's State Dinner, someone at this east gate checkpoint did not follow proper procedures to ensure the Salahis' names were on the invited guest list. They got in and splashed their pictures across Facebook with the vice president, with the White House chief of staff, with the Marines.

这里的splash不是‘溅起'的意思,splash across的意思是‘四处散播'。

"They made a calculated decision that they were somehow going to slip into the White House, and for that to happen, it was a complete game of luck."

And Amy Zantzinger, who is a former White House social secretary, says strict security guidelines should prevent that, including a gate list with vetted names. All the details are not known, but current social secretary Desiree Rogers told The Associated Press no one from her office was at the checkpoint.

The reality show wannabes certainly looked the part, and according to a stylist who worked on Michaele's hair just hours before the event, talked a good game.

"She said that in the mail she got an invitation, and I asked her, 'Do you have it with you?' And she said yes. She tried looking for it and didn't find the invitation, so I never saw it. She didn't have it. She thought it was in the car or something.

In a statement, the publicist for the couple says that they did not crash the event and that they look forward to setting the record straight very soon.

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