

2014-01-23 04:00
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Arthur Wynne

New York World

The crossword puzzle is a pencil-and-paper game in which the solver fills in words on a pattern of blank squares separated by solid blocks. The crossword, as its name indicates, uses different, interlocking words across and down and is provided with two sets of numbered definitions, one for those words to be written across the pattern and one for those to be written down. Many blanks are numbered and each number matches a definition bearing the same number either across or down or both. The letters of the word that fits the definition are put in the blank squares. The filled-in puzzle is usually printed later so that each person can check his accuracy and learn the words she has been unable to identify. Have you ever wondered how the crossword puzzle came into existence? The first crossword puzzle appeared on December 21, 1913. Arthur Wynne created it for the New York World newspaper.
纵横字谜是一个只需要纸和笔的游戏,解答者在用实心块分格的空白方格内填单词。纵横字谜如同它的名字所表达的意思一样,人们填入纵向还有横向的词要不一样但要环环相扣,并且还要包含两种不同的意思。一种适用于横向,另一种适用于纵向。很多空格都被编号, 并且每一个编号在纵向或者是横向都对应一个相同的意思。人们会将符合意思的单词字母填入空白方格内。字谜的答案一般在下一期公布,以便人们可以检查他的答案是否正确,而且可以知道他没有猜出的答案是什么。 你是否想知道纵横字谜的起源呢?1913年12月21日,阿瑟•怀恩在纽约世界报上发表了第一个纵横字谜。 沪江ID: 有梦小溪
相关热点: 口语连读