

2011-11-05 22:21
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Press Conference on Libya and Resolutions 1970 and 1973 delivered 24 March 2011, Washington, D.C.


Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973
To continue coordinating with our partners and charting the way forward, I will travel to London to attend an international conference on Tuesday, convened by the United Kingdom. Our military will continue to provide support to our efforts to make sure that Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 will be enforced. This is an important effort that has garnered the support and the active participation of nations who recognize the significance of coming together in the international community, through the United Nations, to set forth a clear statement of action to be taken in order to protect innocent civilians from their own government. It is an effort that we believe is very important, and we'll look forward to coordinating closely with all those nations that are participating. Thank you very much.
为了继续和我们的伙伴合作计划未来的道路,我将在星期二去伦敦参加由联合国举行的会议。为了确保安理会在1970年和1973年的决议能实施,我们的军队将继续提供支持。 这个重大的努力已经获得了支持,积极参加的国家意识到为了保护无辜的平民免受政府的伤害,聚集在一起由美国宣布清晰的行动措施是很重要的。我们认为这个努力是很重要的,我们希望与参与国能够紧密的合作。 谢谢。 ——译文来自: xx476338
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