

2011-12-05 10:00
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Last Supper
Brian and Craig Wansink
International Journal of Obesity
Virginia Wesleyan
Da Vinci
The Last Supper. The final time that the apostles shared a meal with Jesus. They gathered together, listened to a sermon and really chowed down. At least if you believe more modern depictions. Because over the past thousand years, the portion size of the food shown in paintings of the Last Supper has grown larger. That finding, by researchers and brothers Brian and Craig Wansink, is dished up in the International Journal of Obesity. Brian studies eating habits at Cornell, while Craig is a religion professor at Virginia Wesleyan. Which puts them at the head of the table for this research effort. Da Vinci's is the most well known Last Supper, but it's joined by more than 50 other noteworthy interpretations produced in the last millennium. The guest list remains the same in the various paintings, and the people stay lithe. But the Wansinks measured the portion sizes in 52 Last Suppers, and found that the bread was 23 percent bigger in more modern paintings, while the entrees grew a whopping 70 percent. As measured against a constant: the apostles' heads. So the trend toward larger portions may have started centuries ago, culminating with the modern, supersized supper, last or otherwise.
《最后的晚餐》描述了耶稣与其信徒相聚共进的最后一餐的情景。耶稣的十二信徒齐聚一堂,聆听圣言,然后便是大快朵颐。——至少根据现代绘画上描绘的情形,你会相信他们理当如此。因为在过去的一千年中,以《最后的晚餐》为题材的绘画中食物却变得越来越多。这一研究结果是由万辛克兄弟——研究员布赖恩•万辛克和克雷格•万辛克——发现的,研究结果刊登在《国际肥胖杂志》上。布赖恩在康奈尔大学研究饮食习惯,而克雷格是弗吉尼亚州卫斯理学院的宗教学教授。这使得两兄弟成为这项研究工作的项目带头人。 在以《最后的晚餐》为名的画作当中,要数达芬奇的最为知名。但在过去的千年间,还有50多幅阐述“最后的晚餐”这一主题的画作值得关注。在诸多画作中,展现的人物一直是那几位,人物形象也刻画得十分柔美。但万辛克兄弟对52幅《最后的晚餐》当中的食物份量进行了测定,发现现代画作当中的面包比早期的大了23%,主菜份量的增长幅度更是高达70%。而衡量的标准则是——信徒们头部的大小。据此可知,或许早在数百年前,食物份量增大的趋势就已开始,而以现代的超大份量晚餐达到登峰造极的程度。当然,这种食物份量增大的趋势也许还将持续下去,或者另有办法来丰富餐桌。 ——新沪江英语网 ——译文来自: crosswarlock
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