

2011-11-30 10:00
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A hungry fish can kill prey with a quick bite. [ 1 ]. Take tasty dragonflies. The mere presence of predators—even caged ones—is enough to scare dragonflies to death, according to a study in the journal Ecology. [Shannon J. McCauley, Locke Rowe, and Marie-Josée Fortin, The deadly effects of ‘nonlethal’ predators]

[ 2 ]. The larvae could see and smell their hunters—but were kept safe by underwater cages. After two months, the researchers took a head count—and found that [ 3 ], compared to counterparts living in predator-free waters. [ 4 ], too.

The authors suggest a couple reasons why. First, [ 5 ]. And previous studies have shown that the presence of predators ups stress levels in prey, weakening their immune systems and making them more vulnerable to disease—and death.

[ 6 ].

That is, of course, if its prey hasn't already died of fright. Researchers collected wild dragonfly larvae, and placed them in tanks with fish or insect predators. dragonfly larvae sharing quarters with their killers were two to four times as likely to die off, And they had slimmer chances of surviving metamorphosis, prey tend to make fewer forays for snacks when predators are lurking around, so they may not be as nutritionally fit. As if being eaten wasn't enough to worry about, looks can kill too.
吓死或者被吃掉? Predators Can Stress Prey To Death 一条饥饿的鱼能在瞬间咬住并杀死猎物。当然,前提就是它的猎物还没被吓死~蜻蜓也许很美味吧。它们的捕食者刚一出现,即使是被关在笼子里,好吧,也足以吓死这些小生物了~这是根据一项生态学杂志上的最新研究得出的结论。 研究人员们采集了野生蜻蜓的幼虫,把它们与 鱼类或食昆虫的生物们放在一起饲养。这些幼虫能看到、闻到它们周围的敌人,但是其实彼此还是被水中的容器间隔着,相安无事。两个月之后,研究人员们重新计数,结果发现,与天敌放在一起的这些幼虫全部死亡的时间(我认为也就是它们的寿命吧)提前了2到4倍,对照组的幼虫们是生活在没有天敌存在的水容器中。除此之外,它们变为成虫的几率也显著降低了。 该项研究的作者提出了几个解释的原因。首先,猎物由于周围有天敌的游荡因此很少有勇气自身活动范围而找寻食物,因此也许它们就比正常情况缺乏营养。最近的研究已经显示,天敌出现会增加猎物们的生存压力水平,进而减弱它们的免疫系统,并使它们更容易患病,从而死去~~ 也许一口就被吃掉反而不那么可怕,目光也一样能杀死人啊~ ----------------------by hyjtb