

2011-11-14 10:23
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insulin resistance
he journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism
metabolic sequestration
Everyone knows that obesity is bad for your health. Packing on the pounds, we're told, leads to all sorts of medical problems: high cholesterol, insulin resistance, greater risk of diabetes and heart disease. But researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center see things a little differently. In a paper in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, they argue that being fat can actually protect us from these disorders. The scientists don't deny that we eat too much, especially high-calorie foods chock full of carbs and fats. In the past, that sort of overindulgence, and over-nutrition, used to be reserved for royalty. But now, the scientists note, "bad calories are so cheap that anyone can afford to get overweight." But obesity, they say, is the body's way of storing fats where they belong: in fat tissue. That metabolic sequestration actually protects other organs from the harmful effects of fat. The trouble comes when people who are larger-than-life continue to consume excess calories. That's when the fat winds up where fat's not supposed to go, triggering insulin resistance and its complications. So you might be able to get away with the supersized fries. But only if you haven't already supersized yourself.
我们都知道肥胖有害健康,体重增加会引起很多健康问题:高胆固醇、胰岛素阻抗,患糖尿病和心脏病的危险也相应提高。但是德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的研究人员却对此有另外一番见解。在《内分泌与代谢研究》杂志中有这样一篇论文,他们认为胖胖反而可以让我们免受上述疾病的困扰。 这些科学家并未否认人们吃得过多,尤其是那些高热量、富含脂肪和碳水化合物的食物。在过去,只有贵族才有可能有条件“享受”。但是现在不同,科学家说“如今的劣质脂肪很廉价,每个人都有可能超重。”但是他们说身体将脂肪储存在脂肪组织中。这种代谢方式实际上保护其它器官不受脂肪的侵害。 但是当那些已经超重的人还继续过量摄入卡路里,麻烦就会随之而来。到了这个临界点之后,脂肪就不会存储在它本应该存在的地方,这样就会导致胰岛素阻抗和并发症。所以,你可能需要远离那些汉堡薯条了。但是如果你还没超重,就另当别论了。 ——译文来自: 最爱花欣
相关热点: 品牌听力 翻译英文