

2011-11-10 10:00
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With Halloween around the corner, parents are fretting over what all that candy will do to their Little____1____. Well, it might just make them sweeter. Because people who prefer sugary snacks actually seem to be more kind. So says a study in the Journal of Personality and Social ___2____. [Brian Meier et al., "Sweet taste preferences and experiences predict prosocial inferences, personalities, and behaviors"]

We often describe personality or behavior with taste-related terms. Think of someone who’s bitter, or sour or maybe even a little____3_____. But do our tastes in food really reflect who we are?

Scientists looked for a link between a love of sweet things and the tendency to be generous or generally agreeable. College students answered a series of questions about their character— whether, for example, they’re soft-hearted or enjoy ____4______people. Then they rated their liking for a variety of foods, from cake and ice cream to cranberries, sauerkraut and salsa. And it turns out that kids with a sweet tooth see themselves as sweet.

And maybe they are. Those that liked candy more than crackers were more likely to volunteer around campus or for additional studies. So if you’re looking to score a little milk of human kindness, try putting out a plate of cookies.

goblins Psychology picante insulting
万圣节狂欢之时,父母们担心孩子们吃太多糖果,但研究表明孩子们会变得更加可爱。在一项性格与社会心理学的研究中提出,热爱甜食的人内心更善良。“吃甜口的人以及他们的经历使得他们的个性、行为和影响都偏向于亲近社会。” 我们经常根据某人的口味喜好来谈论他的性格和行为,假想一个喜欢苦味,酸味或辣味食物的人,我们真的能从口味中了解一个人的性格吗? 科学家们寻找着爱吃甜食和性格慷慨、和蔼间的联系;一群在校学生们回答了一系列关于性格的测试——例如,他们属于心肠软类型还是骚扰他人类型,然后列出他们喜欢吃的食物,包括蛋糕、冰激凌、小红莓、泡菜、番茄酱。研究结果表明爱吃甜食的小朋友,在性格方面更加惹人喜爱。 或者这就是他们的性格,相比爱吃咸脆饼干的孩子,喜欢甜食的孩子们更活跃于校园志愿活动或其它研究活动。所以,如果你想测试某人的善良程度,给他/她准备一些甜食吧。