

2011-11-09 10:00
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It’s time to get scared. Nightmare On Elm Street, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be airing on TVs through to midnight tonight, __1___.
The holiday reminds us that we love to be scared. Too much fear, however, is no good. At the extreme are __2___.

Research out of Boston University’s Center for Anxiety finds that nearly a third of us experience an anxiety __3___ at some point. Eleven percent of us have a phobia.

Contrary to what most people may think, phobias are not often connected to __4___. Studies have shown that fear of water can show up in children without any negative water experiences. And those who are phobic of dogs are just as likely to have had a bad experience with a dog as are those who love dogs.

The B.U. Center for Anxiety’s David Barlow says that three factors together are required for a phobia to emerge: A negative event over which one never got control, an anxiety that is directed at a specific situation and thirdly, _ 5___. Therapy may require medication, emotional control or intense __6___ to the feared situation.

Fortunately, phobias are among the most treatable of all __7___ conditions. So don’t be afraid to try.

Halloween phobias disorder trauma genetics exposure psychological
是时候该害怕一下啦,,《猛鬼街》、《惊魂记》、《德州电锯杀人狂》将在今晚午夜——万圣节齐登荧屏。 我们热衷于万圣节,说明我们喜欢惊吓的感觉。但是太多恐惧也不是件好事,恐惧症就是极端害怕的结果。 士顿大学焦虑研究中心调查发现,近1/3的人体验过或多或少的焦虑障碍,11%的人患有恐惧症。 在大多数人的观念中,恐惧症通常与心理创伤有关,但事实恰恰相反。研究表明,即使没有相关痛苦经历,孩子们还是会怕水;不管是热爱狗狗的人,还是有过可悲回忆的人,都会怕狗。 波士顿大学焦虑研究中心的大卫•巴罗表示,恐惧症具有三个诱因:第一,对于有些坏事,你总是无法掌控;第二,某一特定情况下产生焦虑感;第三,遗传影响。疗法包括药物治疗、让患者直面引起恐惧的情况或者是控制情绪。 令人庆幸的是,在所有的心理状况中,恐惧症是最容易治疗的,所以勇敢地体验一下魂飞魄散的感觉吧!