
China Daily:墨西哥欲建65层倒金字塔形“摩地大楼”

2011-10-21 12:00
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Mexico City
Esteban Suarez
BNKR Arquitectura

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Architects have designed an incredible 65-storey "earth-scraper" which plunges 300 metres below ground. The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital. The subterranean building will have ten storeys each for homes, shops and a museum, as well as 35 storeys for offices. The design has been crowned with a Mexican flag. Esteban Suarez, from architecture firm BNKR Arquitectura, said the building would also house a new cultural centre. He said: "New infrastructure, office, retail and living space are required in the city but no empty plots are available." Federal and local laws prohibit demolishing historic buildings and even if this was so, height regulations limit new structures to eight storeys. "The city's historic centre is in desperate need of a makeover but we have nowhere to put it, this means the only way to go is down." He added: "The Earthscraper preserves the iconic presence of the city square and the existing hierarchy of the buildings that surround it." It is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural lighting and ventilation. "It will also allow the numerous activities that take place on the city square year round such as concerts, open-air exhibitions and military parades to go ahead." Pyramids play a large part in the architectural history of Mexico, as the country's anicent civilisations have often build huge pyramid structures. Esteban added: "The Earthscraper digs down through the layers of cities to uncover our roots."
墨西哥建筑师日前设计了一座深达300米的65层“摩地大楼”,令人叹为观止。这座“倒金字塔”位于墨西哥市中心,如此设计是为了规避墨西哥市新建筑限高的规定。 “摩地大楼”中住宅、商场以及博物馆各占10层,另外35层用作办公楼。同时,楼板上面还会竖起一面墨西哥国旗。 建筑公司BNKR Arquitectura的埃斯特班•苏亚雷斯表示,大楼内还会新设一个文化中心。 他说:“墨西哥城需要新的基础设施、办公楼、商店以及住宅楼,但是地面上已经没有可用的空间。” “联邦政府和地方法规禁止拆毁历史建筑,就算能拆毁,新建筑的高度也限制在8层以内。” “城市的历史中心迫切需要改造,但已经没有地上空间了,只能转而向地下发展。” 他补充说:“‘摩地大楼’既保存了城市广场这个地标,又没有破坏广场附近的现有建筑层次。” “大楼设计为倒金字塔型,采用中空结构,所有居住空间都可享受自然照明和通风。” “同时,‘摩地大楼’也不影响广场上每年举办音乐会、户外展览、阅兵等多种活动。” 金字塔在墨西哥建筑史上占有重要地位。在古代文明时期,墨西哥人经常建造大型金子塔。 埃斯特班补充说:“摩地大楼深入城市深处,帮我们追根溯源。”
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