

2011-10-19 10:00
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A lot of people watch political debates on TV. Which means great opportunities for advertisers. But an ad for an island getaway or ___1___ cuisine will only sound ___2___ if the viewer agrees with the candidate they are watching. That’s according to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research. [Alison Jing Xu and Robert S. Wyer, Jr., "The Role of Bolstering and Counterarguing Mind-Sets in Persuasion"]

Two-hundred-sixty-five people were exposed to forms of ___3___ and then asked to rate advertisements for vacation spots, cars or food.

In one experiment, participants either viewed a debate between two political candidates or watched one politician speak about economics. Study subjects ___4___ one candidate reported negative reactions while watching the speaker they opposed. And political independents developed negative feelings while they watched the debate.

And the study found that such negative feelings decreased a subject’s opinion of a subsequent ad.

The research provides insight into how our ___5___ responses to an ad can be influenced by the context in which a viewer experienced the ad. So even though an advertisement may look good, it’s like a gemstone: the setting counts.

exotic appealing persuasive communication with a preference for cognitive
很多人在电视上看政治论战,这无形之中为广告商提供了巨大的商机。据《消费者研究》杂志报导,要是观众支持某位候选人的话,海岛游、异国烹饪的广告都会变得诱人。 研究人员对265位参与者进行了各种形式的“推销”,然后让他们对旅游景点、汽车、食物等广告作出评价。 一项实验中,研究人员让参与者观看两位候选人的辩论或是一位政客就经济发表的演说。某候选人的支持者对其反对的候选人抵触强烈;而政治独立者在观看辩论时也表现出反感情绪。 这项研究还发现,这种反感情绪也会影响其对随后广告的评价。 由此我们可以了解到,广告前后的节目内容会影响观众对广告的评价。所以吧,就算广告看上去不错,就如同宝石:就看你怎么布置了~