
在美国:64 时尚有趣运动公园

2011-08-26 10:35
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资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖A day at the sports park〗
<听写方式: 填空, 不用带数字序号>
K: Wow. All of us are getting so much exercise this weekend.
L: ____1____(句子)
M: It looks like there's a lot to do here.
S: I've never been to a place like this before. What do you do here?
K: ____2____(句子) We should plan our day so that we get to everything we want to do.
L: Well, I see baseball batting cages over there. I want to do that. ____3____(句子)
M: I saw mini-golf that looks really fun. ____4____(句子)
S: I love mini-golf. ____5____(句子) Does anyone have a problem with that?
K: No ma'am!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Yeah, we spent the whole day trying out that fantastic health club yesterday, and today we are spending the day at the sports park. There's all sorts of stuff to do here. A machine pitches a ball at you and then you swing the bat and it tells you if you got a single, double, triple, or a home run. It has a pirate theme and there are old sunken ships and waterfalls that you have to hit your ball through. But I'm really competitive so we have to keep score and play by the rules.
<本期重点词汇> bat v.用球棒击球 home run 本垒打 <参考译文> S: 喔,我们这个周末都做了好多的运动。 L: 是的,我们昨天花了一整天的时间去健身俱乐部体验了一下,今天我们又来到了运动公园。 K: 看起来这儿有很多可以做的。 L: 我以前从没有来过像这样的地方。你在这做什么? M: 有很多可以做的呀。我们必须给今天一个计划。这样我们才能做每一件我们想做的事。 K: 嗯,我看到那边有个棒球室内练习场。我要玩那个!有个机器会向你投球,然后你挥动拍子打球。机器会告诉你是打了一垒打,二垒打还是三垒打还是本垒打。 L: 我看到了迷你高尔夫,看起来很有趣。哪里有些陈旧的沉船和瀑布,你必须把球打过它们,这就是一个海盗主题高尔夫球场。 S: 我喜欢迷你高尔夫。但是我真的很喜欢比赛,所以我们必须要计分的。并且要遵守比赛规则。你们有人反对吗? K: 没有,女士!
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