
科学60秒: 机场出现安检漏洞,请及时修复

2011-04-12 10:27
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Shhh, keep this podcast a secret. Because new research points to ___1___ in airport security screening: it may be easier to sneak something dangerous past security–a box cutter, for example–by also including ___2___, like a water bottle, into the mix as a distraction.
Scientists recruited college students to find targets on a computer display. Their task: search for lines that formed a T amidst other non-T lines in 10 different experiments. Sometimes the Ts were easy to find, sometimes they were more hidden. When the easy and tough ones appeared ___3___, the students found both on the same screen.
When the easy T’s appeared two to three times more frequently, the students were more likely to miss the tough ones. But when the students were given extra time, ___4___, they were more able to find both targets almost as quickly.
The study suggests that actual professional screeners need to be just as ___5___ in their attention after finding a first piece of contraband in a given bag. And keeping their stress levels as low as possible should help their performance.
a possible blind spot an obvious and innocuous banned object with equal frequency lessening the pressure vigilant
嘘~~大家看了本文可要保密啊~因为一项研究发现了机场安检的潜在漏洞!你要是携带了诸如工具刀一类的危险物品,要是再带些像水瓶这种无关痛痒,但有比较容易发现的违禁物品的话,那危险物品就很有可能蒙混过关了~ 科学家们组织学生进行了10组实验——找出电脑屏幕上夹杂在其他众多字母中的字母T。这10组实验并无重复。一篇实验内容中,字母T隐藏得或深或浅,易找的和难找的T出现的频率相同的话,就都会被找出来。 不过,要是藏得浅的T出现的频率比那些藏得深的高出2、3倍的话,同学们很可能就会漏掉那些难找的T了。但要是时间足够充裕,压力也就相对减少,同学们找到这两种目标的速度也就基本一致了。 这项研究表明,安检人员在检查到第一样违禁物品之后也要时刻保持警惕,同时还要尽量释放压力以助于安检工作的进行。
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