

2011-04-01 15:49
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Spotted hyenas grunt and growl. But you know what they're famous for. [Hyena sounds.] So what's all the laughing about?
Well, field researchers have noticed that groups of hyenas tend to ___1___ around a kill, while they're waiting for their hunk of meat. Now a study in the journal BMC Ecology says the chuckles may communicate things like age, identity and ___2___. Which is important stuff for figuring out who gets the tastiest cut of zebra.
Researchers studied a clan of spotted hyenas living in a sanctuary behind the U.C. Berkeley campus. They ___3___ 17 hungry hyenas with bones or pieces of meat, and recorded about 250 bouts of giggling. Then they ran those sound bites through various computer algorithms, running statistical analyses and ___4___ spectrograms.
The result? They say a giggle's pitch and timbre establish a hyena's identity, and that pitch indicates age. But the giggle also tells you who's boss. A relatively monotone giggle [hyena sound] and you're first to the meat. A more erratic, variable giggle? [Hyena sound] Get back in line.
The researchers next plan to study hyenas in the wild. ___5___.
giggle social status enticed drawing up Just for laughs.
斑鬣狗爱打呼,爱低吼。大家都知道这些斑鬣狗为什么出名啦(斑鬣狗“笑声”),那它们到底在“笑”些什么呢? 实地调查研究人员发现,鬣狗在盼望着瓜分猎物的同时会围绕着猎物“傻笑”。《BMC生态学》的一项调查表明这种笑声可以传达出年龄、身份、地位等一系列信息。这些信息是决定谁可以得到最美味的斑马肉的重要依据。 研究人员研究了加州伯克利分校后的保护区内的一群鬣狗。他们用肉骨头和肉引诱17头饿鬣狗,并由此录下了大约250次的“笑声”。然后他们对这些音频进行了电脑计算,数据分析,并拟出了声谱图。 那结果如何呢?研究人员称,“笑声”的音高和音质决定了该鬣狗的身份,从音高还能判断出鬣狗的年龄。而且,这个“笑声”还能告诉你谁是头子。如果“笑声”声调单一平稳,那么您先请~如果“笑声”颤颤巍巍呢?那不好意思了,你就靠边站吧~ 这帮子研究人员下一步准备研究在野外生存的鬣狗——只为博一笑。