
捕鼠夹在印度 (2)

2008-09-23 00:00
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提示:Irulas;Tamil Nadu;Siri Terjesen;Texas Christian University
The Irulas asked for and received almost $100,000 from the World Bank. They used the money to establish a factory to build the traps. It employs 50 women. The traps are sold for about $25 each. Rats can destroy 25% of a crop. The improved rat trap has saved tons of grain. With the clay pots, rat ca…
依鲁拉部落向世界银行申请后,收到了近10万美元的资金。他们用这笔钱建起了一家生产捕鼠器的工厂。该工厂雇佣了50名女工,每个捕鼠器售价约为25美元。 老鼠可以破坏25%的收成。改良捕鼠器挽回了数吨粮食。用泥罐捕鼠器,捕鼠人的成功率仅为40%,一些捕鼠人都挣不够养家糊口的钱。而使用钢质捕鼠器捕鼠,成功率达95%。 …
相关热点: 印度 自学英语