

2011-04-20 09:40
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Counterfeiters and money minters constantly try to outsmart each other. But money could become much harder to ___1___—thanks to butterfly wings.
Butterflies that flit through tropical forests often have brightly colored wings that iridesce in the sun. But it’s not ___2___ that create those eye-catching shades. It’s microscopic structures on the insects’ wings that reflect the light.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge studied an Indonesian butterfly known as the peacock or swallowtail. Scales on the wings are made up of tiny structures that researchers say ___3___ the inside of an egg carton, with alternating layers of cuticle and air. The light ___4___ the structures so that the scales appear to us as a shimmering green. But using optical equipment that can polarize light, those scales appear bright blue.
Researchers used nanofabrication techniques to create scales structurally identical to the butterflies’, and the structures ___5___. The research appeared in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
Using the ‘now it’s green, now it’s blue’ technique that the butterflies have evolved, the scientists say we might be able to design money or credit cards that are much harder to copy. And perhaps add a little colorful flair in the process.
forge pigments resemble bounces off presented the same gorgeous color
铸币者和伪造者斗智斗勇,一刻未停。幸好有蝴蝶翅膀发挥大作用,要造假可没那么容易了! 在热带森林中翩翩起舞的蝴蝶有着色彩斑斓的翅膀,在阳光下熠熠生辉。它们翅膀上的可不是什么色素,而是反射太阳光的微小结构。 剑桥大学的研究人员研究了一种印度尼西亚凤蝶。凤蝶的翅瓣是由许多微小结构构成的。研究人员称,这些微小结构中有护膜空气隔层,类似于鸡蛋盒的内部结构。太阳光从这些结构中反射出来,翅瓣看上去就是绿油油的,但要是利用光学设备使光发生偏振,那些翅瓣就会变成亮蓝色。 研究人员利用纳米技术制造出了人造翅瓣,这些人造翅瓣与凤蝶的翅瓣在结构上是完全一样的,并且也拥有同样斑斓的色彩。这项研究发表在《自然-纳米技术》上。 科学家称,利用由蝴蝶而来的“蓝绿”技术,我们将会制造出难以伪造的货币或信用卡。说不定,也会为制作过程增添一丝亮丽。
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