

2011-07-13 10:00
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Ahhh, the great outdoors.Great for your health, too.Because studies suggest that the more we visit local parks, the more fit we are.

Researchers at Penn State _____1_____ from a variety of studies, for a report they prepared for the National Recreation and Park Association.

In a five-city survey, 38 percent of people over 50-years-old said they used a park at least once a week.So these oases are more than just a pretty place.

People on the other end of the _____2_____ benefit too.One study showed that adolescent girls do 17 more minutes of _____3_____ physical activity every week for each park within a half mile of home.And each additional $10 per person that the government invests in parks and recreation _____4_____ a third-of-a-day more vigorous exercise by girls every week.Such state spending also drove more strength-building exercise for boys and girls.

All of which should prevent some of the more than $8,000 per year of health care costs per person.So officials looking to do some _____5_____ should think twice about cutting parks to cut the budget fat.Because parks cut our actual fat.
crunched the numbers age spectrum moderate-to-vigorous was associated with belt tightening
公园使运动更给力 啊,超赞的户外运动,对身体也有好处哦。因为研究表明,我们经常逛逛街边公园,身体会越来越健康。 为了为美国游憩与公园协会准备一篇报告,来自美国宾州州立大学的研究员处理了来自各种研究的数据。 在五个城市的调查中,38%超过50岁的人称他们每周至少去一次公园。所以这些绿洲不仅只是个美丽的地方,也是个健身的好去处。 年轻人同样也会受益。一研究表明,青春期女生会在每周去距家半米以内的公园做17分中强度到高强度的体育运动。此外,在公园和娱乐场所方面,政府为每人每多投资10美元,女生每周进行高强度运动的时间就会多8小时。此政府花销同时也为男生女生带来更多的塑形锻炼。 如此一来,每人每年就能减少至少8000美元的医疗保健费用。所以,政府官员在想着紧缩预算的时候要三思,是否要节省公园建设费用以减少财政预算。因为逛公园真的让我们减肥了。