
【科学60秒】一菌得“变” 全家得“活” (双语有声)

amber_cy 2011-10-18 00:09
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A Few Drug-Resistant Bacteria May Keep the Whole Colony Alive
一菌得“变” 全家得“活”

There’s been an unexpected development in our understanding of drug resistance in bacteria. The accepted scenario was a simple case of evolutionary selection. In a bacterial population exposed to a killer drug, a few lucky individuals might have a genetic mutation that kept them alive. They survived to reproduce, while the rest of the population perished. In short order, the entire colony consisted only of the offspring of the drug-resistant founders.
我们在细菌抗药性的研究上取得了意想不到的进步。进化论就是大家公认的一个最简单的实例了。当一个具有相当数量的细菌种群与一种杀菌剂“狭路相逢”时,只有少数幸运的细菌可以基因突变从而存活下来。他们得以继续生存繁殖,不过余下的都将 “灰飞烟灭”。很快,整个菌落全都是当初拥有抗药性的细菌们的后代了。

But a new study finds that just a few resistant mutants can protect large numbers of normal bacteria that would have been thought to be susceptible to the drug therapy. The research appears in the journal Nature.

The key seems to be that the drug-resistant mutants produce large amounts of compounds called indoles, which help bacteria tough out tough times. And the indoles from the mutants buck up the regular, nonresistant bacteria. The mutants themselves seem to be acting altruistically—their own growth is slowed by their indole production.

The finding should lead to new strategies to fight drug resistance. And it could also improve our take on evolutionary dynamics, in systems that apparently experience selection pressure at both the individual and group levels.

—Steve Mirsky

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