

Zhang Wan 2011-01-21 12:01
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Have you received your year-end bonus? How much of a bonus do you expect to get this year?

Some white-collar workers say they will probably get several thousands of yuan, while others believe they will receive one month's salary. Yet others say they expect two or three months' salary.

Although most workers have not yet received their year-end bonuses, they have already been contemplating how they will spend the money.

(Soundbite 1, white-collar worker, male, in Chinese)

"I will save most of the money and give some to my parents. I want to save the money for my future."

(Soundbite 2, white-collar worker, female, in Chinese)

"If I can buy more beautiful bags and mobile phones with the money, I will feel satisfied."

(Soundbite 3, white-collar worker, male, in Chinese)

"I'll use the money for investments or save part of it. The rest will be used for consumption."

People working in different industries receive bonuses of various amounts at the end of the year. They usually receive an extra month's salary to three months' salary as year-end bonuses.

The number of years a person has worked also greatly influences the amount they will receive.

Wang Jian from , one of the largest job agencies in China, explains:

(Soundbite 4, Wang Jian, male, in Chinese)

"If the year-end bonus is calculated on the basis of not only basic salary but also allowances, people who work in the finance and real estate industries will receive a six-digit bonus."

According to a 2010 year-end bonus report based on a survey of more than 1,300 companies, bonuses have increased the most in only three fields—finance, real estate and high-tech. Fifty-two percent of these companies say they will increase their budgets for 2010 year-end bonuses. Here is Wang Jian again.

(Soundbite 5, Wang Jian, male, in Chinese)

"In 2010, the CPI increased, so giving year-end bonuses to staff is kind of compensation for the rising cost of goods."

Many people change jobs at the beginning of a year, so that they can get the year-end bonus from their employer, then hop to another job. To avoid this situation, some companies have decided to give year-end bonuses after the Spring Festival.

But some people say giving year-end bonuses before the Spring Festival can enhance employees' confidence in the company. This will likely ensure that most employees stick around in the end.

For CRI, I am Zhang Wan.

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