

2013-02-12 09:30
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02月04日:The frying pan was spitting.煎锅正发出咝咝的响声。    

v. 吐;发出劈啪声
例如: You mustn't spit on the ground.(你绝不可往地上吐痰。)
           The guns were spitting fire.(枪炮在突突地发射。)

02月05日:It could lead to massive shock.那会导致巨大的冲击。  

例如:The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.(这种措词可能会引出歧义。)
          Problems always lead to other problems.(有些问题总是连带着另外的问题。)

02月06日:She gave him a blank look.她漠然地看了他一眼。   

例如:There was a blank look on his face because he did not know the answer.(他神色茫然,因为他不知道答案。)
          I tried to explain, but he just gave me a blank look.(我试图解释,但他只是莫名其妙地看看我。)

02月07日:In your life, sometimes you might end up back where you started.生活中,有时你走到最后发现自己又回到了最初的地方。    

例如:Somebody like you could end up a goat.(像你这样的人最后可能变成替罪羊。)
          You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that.(你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。)

02月08日:He shut his finger in the car door.他被车门夹住了手指。      

v. 关上;闭上;合拢;(使)停止营业;禁闭
例如:The woman shut the trapdoor with a slam.(这位女主妇砰的一声关上活板门。)
          The rain stopped and I shut my umbrella.(雨停了,我收拢伞。)

02月09日:Investment is all about running risks.投资就是要冒风险。     

例如:I' ll tell you all about it later on.(晚些时候我再把有关这一切告诉你。)
         All about us was stagnation and mud.(我们四周全是一片死寂和泥泞。)

02月10日:Make as many photocopies as you need.你需要复印多少尽管印吧。    

opy:n. 复印件;影印
例如:I also need to make a photocopy.(我需要一份复印件。)
         All these documents of photocopy will be spent to grow time very much.(照相复制所有这些文件要花很长时间。)  

