

2012-05-15 10:30
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05月07日:Long-haul flights tend to throw your body clock out of kilter.长途飞行扰乱了你的生物钟。

out of:抛出
例如: Let' s throw all the old stuff out of the house!(咱们把家里的破旧东西扔掉吧!)
          Throw out of all of your wire hangers and invest in good hangers.(把你的钢丝衣架都扔掉换成好的衣架。)

05月08日:You handle it well.你处理得很好。

v. 处理,操作,运用
例如:In my opinion this is the best way to handle the situation.(我认为这是处理这个情况的最佳方法。)
         Do you know how to handle the machine? (你知道怎样操作这台机器吗?)

05月09日:The journey is going swimmingly.旅程相当顺利。 

1.swimmingly:adv. 顺利地,轻易地
例如:The bride looked beautiful and the whole wedding went swimmingly.(新娘看上去很漂亮,整个婚礼进行得很顺利。)
          I'm sure your party tomorrow will go swimmingly.(我相信你们明天的联欢会一定会开得很成功。)

05月10日: She was seen in tears nodding her head to say yes.她含泪点头说愿意。

1.in tears流着泪,含泪,哭
例如:She was bathed in tears.(她哭成了一个泪人。)
          She was in tears over the death of her cat.(她因猫死而痛哭流涕。)

05月11日:I've visited the park time and time again.我一次又一次地去那个公园。 

and time again:一次又一次;多次,不断地
例如:Our teachers have time and time again stressed the importance of extra curricular activities.(我们的老师一再强调课外活动的重要性。)
         His theory has been disproved time and time again, but he still believes it.(他的理论受到一次又一次的批驳,但他仍坚信不移。)

05月12日:You mark my words.记住我的话。

v. 标志,做标记于,做记号,打分数
例如:His death marked the end of an era.(他的死标志着一个时代的结束。)
          I still have twenty essays to mark.(我还有20份论文要评分数。)

05月13日:We've been talking about the topic for hours but we keep going round in circles.我们已经讨论这个问题很久,但是却总是没有进展。

round in circles:原地打转,原地绕圈圈
例如:Going round in circles is only going to make you dizzy, so stop it.(陷入循环的思考只会让你头晕,所以不如立刻停止。)
          We'll never reach an agreement: we are just going round in circles.(我们决不会取得一致意见。我们在作无休止的争论。)  

