

2013-05-12 21:30
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Suddenly, I notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the wire. She has the light, gravity-free steps of a fairy. She stops and looks at me with sad eyes. The camp has taken its toll on me. I want to look away, as I feel oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, sickly thin and in torn, stained clothing, but I cannot take my eyes from hers. Then she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a red apple. Oh, how long has it been since I have seen one! And how this one shines - greater than any crystal! She looks cautiously around, and then quickly throws the apple over the fence.
突然,我看到一个小女孩从铁丝网那边走来。她的步履轻盈,仿佛不受重力的影响,宛如仙子。她停下来,用忧伤的眼睛看着我。集中营里的生活已经损害了我的健康。我想把目光挪开,因为我一副病容、枯瘦如柴,又穿着破烂肮脏的衣服,被一个陌生人这样打量,我感到特别害臊,但我的目光却无法从她的眼睛移开。 这时她把手伸进口袋,掏出一个红苹果。噢,我有多久没有看到这样的苹果了!它又是多么地闪闪发亮——比任何水晶都耀眼!她非常谨慎地左右看看,然后一下子把它抛过铁栅栏。