

2013-02-25 21:39
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But since it's not you who is doing so well, posting remarkable grades and completing schoolwork with such ease, feelings of anger build and build. "Why can't I be more like this devil? Why can't I be the special one?" you might ask yourself. Well, I'm here to tell you that it can be you. As a university student, I'm very interested in what factors separate outstanding students from ones infinitely less accomplished. Instead of sitting back and hating successful students, I made it my mission to investigate the mysterious causes of their greatness. And the fruit of my analysis, after speaking to many top students and their professors, is a group of tips that anyone can use to awaken greatness up within himself and reach new peaks of excellence.
但是因为不是你本人表现得那么优秀,你拿不出高分,也不能游刃有余地完成作业,于是怨气越积越多。你也许会自问:“为什么我就不能像那家伙一样呢?为什么我就成不了出类拔萃的人呢?”那我现在就告诉你,你能成为那样的人。 作为一个大学生,我对好学生和差学生所体现出的不同之处非常感兴趣。我并没有坐着不动,也没有嫉恨好学生,相反,我决定以此为己任去调查是什么神秘的原因让他们表现优异。在访谈了很多优秀学生及其教授后,我通过分析得出了几条建议,任何人都可以采纳这几条建议来激发自己身上的优秀潜质,使自己更上一层楼。