

2013-02-13 21:39
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Henri Poincare


He recognized that the orchestral opening to the "Rhinegold", which he must have carried about within him yet had never been able to put into form, had at last taken its shape within him. In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found. As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. Here we see the conscious mind, in a person of highest ability, actually watching the unconscious at work. For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of combinations but he arrived at no result.
他意识到,久存于心中、却始终未能谱写成的《莱茵河的黄金》管弦乐前奏曲终于在他脑海里形成了。在这个事例中,意识在创作的时候对发现答案的实际过程一无所知。 作为对照,我们可以举一个有名的事例,即法国伟大的数学家亨利•庞加莱发现被称为富克斯函数的数学新方法的故事。我们看到,在这位天才人物身上,意识活动事实上一直注视着潜意识所起的作用。一连几个星期,他每天伏案工作,花上一两个小时尝试着大量的组合,但毫无结果。