
公益爱心歌:关心孩子,远离家庭暴力Concrete Angel

2009-06-08 09:40
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Concrete Angel(凝固的天使)是一首由Martina McBride演唱、以关注虐待儿童为主题的歌曲。这首歌以叙事的方式讲述了一个小女孩被酗酒的母亲殴打致死的悲惨故事,其中尤其提及那些察觉孩子被虐迹象,却不管不问的老师、邻居等等,让人们警醒——防止悲剧的发生还需全社会的关注,不仅仅是茶余饭后痛心疾首过就忘的谈资,而更应该实际地伸出双手给予那些生活在家庭暴力中的孩子以帮助。


Concrete Angel
by Martina McBride

She walks to school with the lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holding back
Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with the linen and lace, oh

The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask
Bearing the burden of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was never born

Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place
Where she's loved concrete angel

Somebody cries in the middle of the night
The neighbors hear but they turn out the light
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate
When morning comes it will be too late

Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place
Where she's loved concrete angel

A statue stands in a shaded place
An angel girl with an upturned face
A name is written on a polished rock
A broken heart that the world forgot

Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place
Where she's loved concrete angel

【双语】爱的教育8句话 影视剧中的亲子互动


母亲酒后捅死女儿 2009-5-29
恶母用扫帚柄打死4岁亲生女儿 2009-2-24
四岁男童因尿床罚跪11小时后被母亲活活踢死 2008-11-18

♦ 鼓励孩子说出任何困扰他们的事情。家长通常都不会鼓励孩子公开谈论有关家中的暴力,而在家庭以外,谁都不能谈及这事实。因此,孩子的需要往往被忽略。
♦ 确保孩子理解家中的暴力不是他或她的过错
♦ 告诉孩子他是很重要的,而且并不是孤单一个人
♦ 准许孩子谈论家中发生的暴力行为
♦ 帮助他们制定一个可以跟随的安全计划
♦ 让他们知道其他孩子也曾有过类似的经历
♦ 提供关于所有其他家庭成员在何处可以得到帮助的资料
♦ 有其他关心的人,如:亲人、邻居、老师及辅导员等等。鼓励孩子建立一个支援网络。
♦ 涉及家庭暴力的父母应该从妇联等机构寻求帮助
