
摇滚少年:还记得当时的你和我吗 Cabbage Town

2009-05-29 19:37
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Artist:Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band
Song:Cabbage Town

All that blotter going to twist up your mind

You can do it, just not all the time

Hiding in your room, you'll be feeling fine

Always manage to have something to sell

Talk on the telephone while painting your nails

Little plastic bags and a digiscale

Aw, this hallway's full of plastic kids

Aw, they jump and make the CD skip

I'm never telling what I find out
I'm going to love you like the New South
You drive me crazy with your foul mouth
Until you meet me down in Cabbage Town
Down in Cabbage Town


The way I see it we got plenty of time
It's going to happen but just not overnight
Bring a pack of cards and a box of wine
Oh, on the day when I flash that badge
Just try to think of the other half
It's hard living
When it's a matter of fact
But this city's full of lazy kids
Sweetie, someone's got to steer this ship

I'm never telling what I find out
I'm going to love you like the New South
You make me crazy with your foul mouth
Come on and meet me down in Cabbage Town
Come down to Cabbage Town

Well it's just like old friends
To play "Remember When . . . ?"
But if you want my help, I'm in

I'm never telling what I found out
I'm going to love you like the New South
You're talking crazy with your loud mouth
Come on and meet me down in Cabbage Town
Oh, come to Cabbage Town

I'm never telling what I find out
I'm going to make it like a new sound
You make me crazy with your foul mouth
Oh, won't you meet me down in Cabbage Town
Come down to Cabbage Town

Come on to Cabbage Town
Come down to Cabbage Town
Come to Cabbage Town

    不管是Bright Eyes、Mystic Valley Band还是Conor Oberst,细究起来其实都是围绕在以Conor Oberst个体为中心的富于社会责任感的音乐团队,这个年轻、帅气的大男孩早已化身成为美国新生代的社会发言人。以犀利、睿智、优美的歌词为依托,再辅以简洁有力、来自底层的布鲁斯民谣式旋律,Conor Oberst的音乐得以深入人心并鼓舞鞭策年轻人的思想潮流。

  不再掩藏在Bright Eyes当中,高产的Conor Oberst又一次与他的伴奏乐队Mystic Valley Band合作,发出新专辑《Outer South》,而这张《Outer South》距离他的上张同名专辑《Conor Oberst》才不到一年的时间。当被太多媒体比喻做新世纪的Bob Dylan之后,Conor Oberst无论是在政治观点的表达上,还是在音乐风格的走向上,都愈发朝着Dylan的方向发展,他也慢慢从一个摇滚少年转变成了一个有着成熟个人观点的民谣歌者。

  如果单单从悦耳度上去评判这张包含有十六首歌曲的专辑的话,难免会落得个头重脚轻的差评,毕竟相仿的旋律令人在听到中后部分时,就难免萌生厌烦情绪;如果想再在这张专辑当中找到Conor Oberst放入其中的诸如“反美国、反商业主义、反消费主义”等观点的话,也会感到这些在早前相当尖锐的政治态度,已经在这张《Outer South》当中有了明显的削减,也许是因为奥巴马的掌权多少让Conor Oberst重新看到了前方的光明吧!(文/新浪)


