

1. "I'm discovering who I am as an individual and creating and achieving my own goals, entirely on my own. Learning that happiness and love comes from within is pretty amazing."

People who get divorced on Facebook share the one thing they love most about being sans-spouse this Independence Day: the freedom to do exactly as they please now that they're single again! (Also: the freedom to take up the entire bed. That's a major win.)

2. "The best thing? Always picking the movie and not having to share the popcorn."

3. "I love staying in and hanging out with my kids. The stress is gone, even for my cat. I never realized just how much my ex stressed out my cat until the ex left and the cat stopped having accidents all over the house!"

4. "I have freedom to do what I want, wake up when I'm ready and go to sleep when I'm ready. It's freedom to be myself."

5. "I'm now able to give 100 percent of my heart and time to my daughter."

6. "I can spend my money on what I want!"

7. "I no longer have to clean up after my ex! It was like having a fourth child."

8. "Deciding what to do every day and night is now in my hands. The kids have a say, too. It is truly our life to breathe, to experience, to explore."

9. "I'm learning to take care of myself. And I no longer just define myself as a wife and mother. I'm accomplishing things I never would have imagined back when I was complacent in my marriage."

10. "I love doing whatever I want, whenever I want and not having to explain myself to anybody."

11. "I can turn on the heater whenever I want. When I lived with my ex, I had to freeze in the winter and swelter in the summer. I'm out of temperature prison now!"

12. "Post-divorce sex!"